SEO Concept

This solution manages basic metadata globally or for specific views, takes care of your favicon, and allow you to upgrade and customize according to your needs.

Favicon and global SEO Your favicon and global SEO can be manage here (, SEO tab.

Specific SEO Each page and post have the SEO module.

For add the module to a Custom Post Type, go to (, select your CPT in the Modules tab under SEO.

For add the module e.g. for the users, edit the src > back > extensions > scg-core > class > render.php file of the Champ Gauche Core Plugin around line 1787.

Don't be afraid about plugin updates, we don't shot updates from WordPress. Only from GitHub.

Manipulate metadata We provide a filter for let's you update an existing metadata or add a new one in src > back > theme > functions.php:

add_filter('scg_wp_head', function($wp_heads){
    * Add Open Graph article:section and article:tag on Post Type 'post'
        $wp_heads['og_article_section'] = '<meta property="article:section" content="" />';
        $wp_heads['og_article_tag'] = '<meta property="article:tag" content="" />';

    return $wp_heads;


If you want remove an existing metadata, pass it to empty.

Existing keys

  • title

  • charset

  • compatible

  • viewport

  • description

  • og_type

  • og_profile_first_name

  • og_profile_last_name

  • og_profile_username

  • og_article_published_time

  • og_article_modified_time

  • og_article_author

  • og_url

  • og_site_name

  • og_title

  • og_description

  • og_image

  • fav_ie_32x32

  • fav_apple_touch_180x180

  • fav_all_browsers_192x192

  • fav_ms_tile_270x270

Last updated